Sunday, January 08, 2006
So I was on hotmail emailing my dad this link to a calander that my mom wants when I saw this thing from MSN today about depression. Being one who suffers a great deal from the disease I decided to click on it. Apparently the best way to treat someone's depression (if you're like their friend or something) is to treat them like a dog. Seriously. Take them on walks three times a week for at least 3o minutes. Better get a bigger leash. And watch out for my teeth. I bite.
Feeling worse a bit. I think I'm going to have to go back into the InstaCare tomorrow. Not only did my chest pain get worse last night, but my back is REALLY bad, my neck is starting to hurt, and I was running a bit of a fever last night and this afternoon. No good.
Classes start tomorrow. My schedule? Good question!
Monday, Wednesday Schedule
10:00 AM- REL C 333 (Teachings of the Living Prophets or something like that)
2:00 PM- MUSIC 113 (Begining Piano)
3:00 PM- HFL 185R (Begining Clothing Construction Lab. I don't think I will attend that one tomorrow)
Tuesday, Thursday Schedule
9:00 AM- REL A212 (second half New Testament)
10:00 AM- STDEV 115 (Life Planning and Decision Making)
12:00 PM- HFL 185R (Begining Clothing Construction lecture)
3:00 PM- EXSC 150 (Begining Ice Skating, Tuesdays only- may end up dropping next week if I don't like it. It's only half a credit)
Friday Schedule
SLEEP IN! And homework. No classes.
So, like, I've had this story idea for a few months now, but I don't quite know how to go about starting it or anything. I want to do something on a Rain Man and it's going to all be rather symbolic and about my life and stuff. But I want it to be the sort of symbolism where, if you don't get it, it's still a good story anyway. I don't know, though. I'm so out of practice. Should anyone actually be reading this, I'd rather like your opinion, thoughts, and ideas on the matter.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! There are a few things in my life I have just GOT to get over. I think I'm doing fine and then I'll have a major relapse. It's awful. I wish that I knew how to make myself stop loving. Alice told just before Christmas break that it isn't so much I have to stop loving, just find someone I can love more. Which presents another problem as I've got a tough shell to crack. I mean, seriously, I just don't trust people anymore. Not very easily, anyway. I'm afraid of making new friends because I'm worried I'll just get stabbed in the back again when I LEAST need it. Just like this past September. That wasn't the first time, either. And it's always those whom I consider to be my best friends. ALWAYS. Without fail. I've gotten wary of others in my old age.
Ok. Basically I'm having a hard time sitting up now. Very painful. I think maybe I'm hungry, too, but food will have to wait until morning. It's strange, you know. I haven't felt hungry in a long time.
A'ight. Take care, all. And get a life. You must have been pretty bored if you've read clear to the end! (Either that or I'm more entertaining than I thought.)