Saturday, March 25, 2006

This evening I was informed that, with the high metabolism I have, I could become a model!
Yes, alright. I
have got a high metabolism, but that's not the half of it. Unfortunately, old habits die hard and this one refused to die entirely. I rather do not enjoy having two roommates who both think they are fat.
Thank goodness for being able to move out in another 155 days (or so). Someday I will find a place that I enjoy dwelling at. Until then... well. I'll put up with it.
Tomorrow we have Ward Conference. I hope to remember to bring my notebook so I can take notes, but being that church starts at 8:30, who knows! Plus it is supposed to snow.
Again. Which, considering the wind, is believable.
And now it is almost midnight, my bed calls to me, and I require sleep.
Until tomorrow.