Sunday, April 16, 2006

Great, king of Macedon, pupil of Aristotle, conqueror of most of
the known world in his time, was one of
the world’s
great young leaders. After years of exercising military pomp and prowess and after extending his kingdom from Macedonia to Egypt and from Cyprus to India, he wept when there seemed to be no more world to conquer. Then, as evidence of just how ephemeral such power is,
Alexander caught a fever and died at thirty-three years of age.
The vast kingdom he had gained virtually died with him.
"Quite a different young leader also died at what seems such an untimely age of thirty-three. He likewise was a king, a pupil, and a conqueror. Yet he received no honors from man, achieved no territorial conquests, rose to no political station. So far as we know, he never held a sword nor wore even a single piece of armor. But
the Kingdom he established still flourishes some two thousand years later. His power was not of this world.
"The differences between
Alexander and this equally young Nazarene are many. But
the greatest difference is in their ultimate victories.
Alexander conquered lands, peoples, principalities, and earthly kingdoms. But he who is called
the Perfect Leader, he who was and is
the Light and Life of
the world—Jesus Christ
the Son of God—conquered what neither
Alexander nor any other could defeat or overcome: Jesus of Nazareth conquered death. Against
the medals and monuments of centuries of men’s fleeting victories stands
the only monument necessary to mark
the eternal triumph—an empty garden tomb."
Howard W. Hunter, "An Apostle’s Witness of the Resurrection," Ensign, May 1986, 15I wanted to include one of the B.C. Easter comics done by Johnny Hart a few years ago, but I can't find it for the life of me on the web. Anyway, the whole crew is up on a hill, watching the sun go down. I think it's Peter who says something along the lines of, "Let's all come back up here tomorrow for a sunrise service!" Grog lags behind the group a bit as they all leave and that blonde girl asks him if he's coming or something. Anyway, after she leaves he comments, "Son Rise, serve us."
Hope you all have had a nice Easter Sabbath. I head back to Cougar Town early in the morning to take a final and a quiz. Yea for finals!
Labels: Religion, Svithe