Monday, October 09, 2006
The following is a general analysis of the days of the week,
beginning on Monday. The rating system is as follows: 1=
awful, 10= I've died and gone to heaven. Feel free to offer input, including opinions that differ from my own.
Monday= The first and often worst day of the week. One's poor back is weighted down with masses of stress and future assignments. Rating: 2
Tuesday= Slightly better than Monday, but One still knows that One has a lot to do. Rating: 3
Wednesday= The "Camel's Hump." It's all downhill from here, but the realization of this often causes stress when One suddenly notices how soon the work week is ending and the pile of work yet to be done. Rating: 5
Thursday= Only two days until the weekend! At this point there had ought to be less to do. Rating: 7
Friday= Last of the work week, everything comes to a close and One can look forward to relaxing in the evening and for the rest of the weekend. Fun times, but occasionally there is still a little to be done before Monday. Rating: 8
Saturday= A day of true relaxation, shopping (for food, generally), and catching up on sleep, friends, and life in general. Rating: 9
Sunday= A day to be spiritually fed and all in all good. Until night comes and you realize the next day is Monday and you have to start all over again. Rating: 8
BYU won the football game last Saturday. It was good times.
I get to sit in the CLFB for the vast majority of the day tomorrow. Oh boy! I am so excited. I shall have nothing to do, nothing to eat, and no one to talk to. Yea me.
Currently I'm looking for Thursday to be here. Thursdays are good days. Thursdays are Surveyors' Lab days. I am on campus on Thursdays during Surveyors' Lab. Surveyors Lab is for Engineering Students. Engineering Students are the best, especially one in particular.
And then it's Friday, which is also a good day, usually. And Saturdays are, too.
Behold, the MuseLabels: dates