Monday, July 09, 2007
My mother and I went out to lunch last Tuesday, and, as people are wont to do when they get together, we had a little discussion on life and blah-dee-blah-dee-blah. (By the way, "want" and "wont" are weird words, too.)
Somehow we got on the topic of me and the way I view life. Or something. This is how my mother described it: "It's like you've planned everything out to the last detail. As far as you are concerned, it's already happened and you're just waiting for life to catch up to you. When it doesn't go exactly as you planned, you don't know what to do or how to deal with the situation. You've been that way your whole life. If we said we were going to leave at 9 for something and ended up being late, you'd start to get really anxious. If we said we were going to go somewhere or do something and ended up canceling, you'd be agitated and upset. Am I getting close?"
Umm... Yeah. I think she nailed it on the head. Funny, though. I've never been able to put words to it before. It's no wonder I put such value in having a set schedule.
So, thanks, Mom, for helping me to see life the way I see life.
Always remember: wherever you go, there you are!
Labels: Life