Saturday, February 23, 2008
So, my back always hurts, right (probably I should ask my doctor about this, again, next time I go see her, which probably won't be until after finals and I'm OK with this, in case you were wondering)? Rhetorical question, but, yes, it does. I go through spurts where it reallyreally hurts and then long times where it's just a minor pain. Well, driving long distances seems to through me into spurts, and having driven about 600 miles last weekend, we're in one of those spurts right now. So last night I slept on my back on my floor. If you're wondering, my floor is really hard after about an hour of lying on it. It's also cold down there, even with a million blankets plus a towel to try to keep me warm. So I didn't sleep real well last night (lucky for me, though, the girl directly below me has always been rather quiet in her bedroom, so it wasn't a noise issue). And now I'm exhausted and kind of cranky because I can't take a nap because, oh yeah, I get to leave for stake conference in 20 minutes. No, just kidding. 18 minutes.
Also, I have a blister on my heel from the shoes I wore Thursday. This makes wearing any and all other shoes somewhat problematic and uncomfortable, except for flip-flops, but it's still too cold out to really wear those yet.
And another also, the mail system in this town really stinks.
The end.