Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Here is my crazy roommate:

We love her dearly. As you will see, she is drinking a lot of milk. And for good reason, too! Dear roommate needs to strengthen the enamel on her teeth because she maybe chipped one of her front teeth yesterday because she loves me. Remember my earing? This is how amazing my beautiful roommate is! She put that sucker in her mouth between her front teeth and bit down until the back came unglued!
I love my crazy roommate so much, I didn't even disinfect my earing before putting it on (they're magnetic- fear not for the health of my ears)

(P.S. This is not a common thing for me to be on the phone. My sister called me right as the timer on my camera was about to go off and I didn't want her to think I was ignoring her. I'm considerate like that. This is also my really cheesy grin. Yea.)
We have now learned that one should not bite down on super glued metal or their nails, because then their teeth will chip.