Sunday, April 20, 2008
Chilly invited me to her fun work in-service thingy Friday as her hot date. How could I say no to that? So Thursday night I stayed at her house and she made yummy tacos and we had a picnic in Mamma's room (Chilly's mom is my adopted mother, although I don't know if she is aware of that...) and watched The Office.
Then Friday morning really early the real fun began! First we went here:

There was like this speaker talking about the history of the Tabernacle and it was sort of interesting, but he had all of his jokes
written down and would
read them in a really, really dry voice, so they weren't exactly funny. After the lecture dood, we took a fun tour of the Tabernacle and the underneath basement place of said Tabernacle. It was really kind of interesting and lots of fun times were had by all.
Then it got windy outside (this was actually after lunch, but that's OK) and Chilly's collar of her sweater flipped up in the back and she looked like a cute vampire. These are her attack hands maybe? Way Hott.

Before lunch but after Tabernacle Touring fun, we had some extra time, so we went over to Mamma's office and found this cool exercise toy thingy! Chilly found someone to give us a demonstration of how it works, and then she tried it out.

It looked like so much fun, I decided I wanted to try it, too. I almost want one.

We also got to hear fun story's from Mamma's boss. We all love him. He's funny.
But then it was time to go to lunch! Yea!! The table settings were very elaborate and there were salad forks and dessert forks even (and if you know anything about my history with Salad Forks, then you know that they sort of make me twitch. But I lived through it).

The food was pretty good, but dessert was best. Of course, that's usually how it works.
After lunch there was another walking tour. This time it was like historic downtown or something like that. I think it would have been really interesting, but fate would have it that I drank way too much water and lemonade at lunch (she kept filling my glasses, so I kept drinking), and Chilly was starting to fall asleep on her feet, so we went over to the COB, Chilly blogged JSN, and then we drove back to Chilly's house.
After that I came back to Provo and tried to study, only there was terrible noises coming from the Village's courtyard because they were throwing some kind of party (that had
maybe 50 people show up) and it was loud, obnoxious, and made studying very hard, but my knee was hurting so I couldn't really leave very easily to go to the library or something. Also, there were people
smoking out at that there party and I'm starting to wonder if I can get out of my contract because of that... Probably not, though. IDK. If I think about it, I might call off-campus housing and have a chat with them.
Still haven't seen much of New Roommate yet. Actually, I haven't seen her at all today and she never came back last night.
Anyway. This is all.