Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Consider my loyalty bought.
So, my mouse committed partial suicide a week or so ago in that it suddenly stopped letting me right click on things. Like, it worked when I turned on my computer and then a few minutes later, it just didn't. So finally I got myself in gear and emailed Kensington's technical support, and they said they'd send me a new mouse for free!
This morning I'm drying my hair and putting on my face (these are interchangeable activities for me- I do them both in steps) when I heard a knock on the door. I ignored it, as I am wont to do. Well, when I left to have breakfast with Dad, there's a box sitting out there. My mouse came! A week earlier than they said it would. And
then I found out that my old one wasn't even under warranty anymore (which they knew, because I told them when I'd bought my old mouse), but they still sent me a new one for free, anyway! Oh Glory Be.