Attached or Single: Single. Always.
Best Friend: Best N. UT friend: Chilly! Best S. UT friend: Rochelle (we've been friends for more than a decade!)
Cake or Pie: cake cake cake cake cake. And that one yummy peach pie. But mostly cake. Actually, mostly cake batter.
Day of Choice: Thursdays. Because it means the next day is Friday.
Essential Items: Make-up. Camera. Pillow.
Favorite Color: Purple and Green and a certain shade of red.
Gummy Bears or Worms: Worms all the way, dood.
Hometown: Santa Horhe
Indulgences: Umm... I don't know. I guess not being in town any weekend ever. That is sort of an indulgence. Also reading. Also photography. Also... Yeah, that's all for now.
January or July: That depends. Am I in Santa Horhe or P-town? July in P-town and January in Santa Horhe.
Kids: What about them?
Like or Love: Neither.
Marriage Date: Never
Number of Siblings: Ichi. Uno. Un, ein... take your pick.
Phobias/Fears: Oooh. I have a lot of those. But not as many as Monk.
Quotes: One that just happens to be sitting on my desk right now, "Forming a bond is infinitely more difficult than breaking one."
Reason to smile: I got to do my job today.
Season: Spring and Fall and Summer. Mostly in that order, only I don't like Fall once the trees and other plants start to look very dead.
Unknown fact about me: I used to date this guy that is now competing to become Mr. Hong Kong.
Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: I'm very much so a carnivore.
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: X-rays I have had.
Your Favorite Food: Chocolate.
The stars, in their infinite wisdom, indicate that your entire future can be summed up in pretty much 20 words