Friday, August 01, 2008
Only not really. I don't have a heart, so there is no key to it.
No, the real key we are talking about here is the key to surviving weekends! As we all know (or maybe we don't?) I hate weekends. Detest them. There is nothing to do, especially when it is a weekend when I don't go home (those weekends aren't all bad; I at least have Rochelle to fill my time with).
And here's the secret: have something
awesome to look forward to! What awesomeness do I have planned this weekend? Chilly and I are going ghost-towning! Some of you may know of my love for old, deserted towns, others may not. Needless to say, I heart them. And I also heart graveyards and cemeteries a whole lot. This place has it all! Murder, intrigue, lots of dead people.... yeah, it'll be cool. I'll blog about it... sometime. I don't know when. We all know how well I've updated my blog lately. Which is to say, not well at all.
Next weekends awesomeness, luckily, begins
way early (like Monday!) when My K comes to see me! We are going to have some good times all around and go see Wall*e after I get off work Monday, and Wednesday we are going to meet Chilly downtown for some lunch, and there will be lots more bonding times involved, I'm sure. So excited. And then Saturday it will be back to Santa Horhe where I will slave away for my Rochelle (don't worry, she's paying me to be her slave. Yeah, she's cool like that) and spend time with the fam.
And I guess I really should start packing for this move I am needing to make soon. Yeah, that would be a good idea.