Friday, August 01, 2008
I can't believe no one is online at 3 in the morning! Come on, people. What about the saucy* night life?
I actually went to bed like a long time ago. K, like 4 hours ago. Maybe even 5. And slept. And then my body decided it had to wake up at 2 am for no apparent reason and I can't fall back asleep. They say when you can't fall asleep, you should get out of bed and move around (but restfully) so that your body only associates your bed with sleeping. Or something like that. So I got up and found some water to drink, then I turned the AC lower because I prefer to sleep when it is cold and it has not been nearly cold enough (Dad can appreciate this- after all, it is his fault that I like to sleep in temperatures in the upper 60s). Then I tried laying on my floor to sleep, but no go. So then I got online in desperate hopes that
something would trigger the sleeping mechanism in my brain, but also a no go. I start to feel like this whole sleep thing is a lost cause, and how am I supposed to be at work by noon?**
*And by "saucy" I mean... I don't know, at least remotely entertaining. Which things are not being right now. Entertaining, I mean. In the least bit.
**Barbie has some dance thing that she wants us to come and watch, only it's at 7 and my shift doesn't end until 8. But I still want to go, so I was thinking I'd go into work an hour early. "But wait!" you say. "An hour early is 1?" Well, yes, only because My K is coming into town next week I am going to be leaving work early on some days then, too, so I want to get a few extra hours in while I can. But, like I implied above, I start to doubt this will happen being that when sleep does come (and then ends again), I doubt I'll be feeling very rested.