Friday, November 07, 2008
I am a terrible person, and I love it.
Chilly came down tonight to be my moral support in earning extra credit (it's hard to be around socially awkward people, especially when they're not even speaking the same language as you). After that we decided to go up to Rock Canyon Park and invited dear JAC along for the fun. While we were there, we discovered like half a dozen cars in various dark and shaded areas with their lights out and possibly foggy windows (though our windows were foggy, too, so who are we to judge?) Chilly and I thought it would be really funny to go shine a flashlight in the various windows and then run, but I didn't have the guts to do it by myself and we didn't want her tripping, falling, and losing her cornea. JAC was just being a spoil sport and was unwilling to take the dare, even though he had asked us for one. But it's OK. He made up for it when he suggested we park in front of one of the cars, front bumper to front bumper (headlights were off- we didn't want to kill anyone's mood), turn the lights on, and drive away.
And we did.
I got in the driver's seat, put the car in position and LIGHTS! This guy's head pops up from... somewhere in the car and we drove off. But the look on his face was
classic. Sadly, none of the other cars were in the right position for us to do it more than once. But, man alive. Best few seconds of my week. Probably the best moment in all of November. Good luck beating that one!
If it was you in that car, I have no regrets about it. You should know better and shame on you! But thanks for the laugh. And thank you, Chilly, for being my moral support tonight.