Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Last night I was working at the view station on Main Street. We had periods of rush and quiet, so during the quiet times my coworkers and I would talk. Since I'm new, I naturally don't know many (well, any) of them very well. So I'm talking to one of them and he mentioned that he's terrified of whales. "That's OK," I said. "I'm terrified of water." We then proceeded to have a long discussion about why whales and water are frightening.
And then I was sleeping (after I got home) and had dreams about, for lack of a better term (and because I coined it as such in my dream), whale surfing. Yes, in my dream people would climb on top of these killer whales (which actually weren't that big- more like manatee size but much more whale shaped) and then ride the whale to the shore where it would beach itself. Somehow I got washed ashore next one of these whales and it was really scary in my dream. Now it sounds funny, not to mention incredibly dumb, but I tell you what. That was a terrifying dream.