Thursday, September 17, 2009
So remember those really fun times where I went to NY to visit my grandparents? I bet you all thought I wasn't going to finish blogging about that. If so, you have another think coming! Because, here I am. Blogging about my vacation! Yea!
I have a great and abiding love for cemeteries. I do not know why; I guess it's just a part of my morbid personality (as My K once said, "Aww. You're morbid!" I imagine her saying it in one of those voices where an endearing trait is being discussed). Anyway, in our journeying around that part of the state that we call the South West part, we visited 3 cemeteries. One of them was on accident and I HAD NO IDEA WE WERE GOING TO FIND IT(!!!) until it was suddenly just THERE in front of me. I think my exact words were, "Oh, look! A Cemetery! Let's go!" I could be off a little bit, though.
This post, though, because the internets is SO SLOW and I'm tired of waiting for pictures to upload, will only be the Jamestown Cemetery. A place of awesomeness and, also, the now final resting place of Miss Lucille Ball.
Apparently tourists come to look for her grave, so they don't want anyone to miss it. Or something like that, anyway.
Also, there were like a million family crypts! I kind of want one. Like a lot. Something about being laid to rest in a mausoleum is terribly romantic to me and I'm totes in love with the idea. I need to marry someone rich just so I can die and have my own tomb. You know, like these ones. They are SO COOL!
The Jamestown Cemetery was also cool because of this tree. Coolest. Tree. Ever. Just sayin'.
You may or may not need to view it full-size to see why the tree is so awesome. Go ahead, click. I'll wait....
Back? Ok, good. Moving on.
And here is the main reason I wanted to go to this cemetery: The Lady in Glass.
Information I found elsewhere about the Lady in Glass: "The Lady in Glass, Grace Galloway (1871[2]-1898) was an accomplished opera singer who passed away from Tuberculosis at the age of 26 or 27. Her untimely death was a shock to her family, especially her father, who commissioned and built the most well-known monument in Lake View Cemetery."
Here is another picture for you where you can see the statue a bit better.
Apparently at one point in time she used to be wearing a REAL wedding dress, but now she is not. Still cool, though.
Something to be said for OLD cemeteries: they have character! Utah cemeteries are none of them old enough. I guess they have
some character, those cemeteries here in the "younger" states, but the ones in Utah, at least, lack cool statues like these ones:
The Jamestown (or Lake View, I guess?) Cemetery is also the final resting place of James Prendergast, founder of Jamestown, NY. His monument was GINORMOUS and totes impossible to miss. Also kind of hard to take pictures of with my not wide-angled lens because it was SO STINKIN' TALL. But I managed.
And, OK. Last picture, but I couldn't help taking it. Isn't this just the most perfect spider web you have ever seen? It was even more perfect right before I took the picture, but then a fly or a mosquito or some other sort of icky bug landed in the web, and People, I saw that Spider eat the Bug and it didn't even gross me out! Also, it happened quick as near-lightning. That was one quick spider. I told Dad to find it another bug to eat so I could watch it devour some more food, but he did not comply. Poor Spider.
Anywhos, I'll try to get the rest of this vacation blogged soon, but I'm headed back to Happy Valley for the weekend on Friday, and who knows if I'll feel like blogging tomorrow!

Labels: cemeteries, travel