Thursday, October 22, 2009
I've had a lot of Remember When moments this past week, and a lot of these moments I actually used the phrase "Remember When." This post documents a few of those times. Definitely not all of those times, because a great majority of the day my mind is thinking "I Remember When...."
It all started when I took an impromptu mini-vacation to Happy Valley this past Thursday. I stayed with my Nicolay (previously Love Duck, because I LOVE her and all people used to be Ducks before they were Bunnies); you may recall that we were roommies 4 years ago. Sometimes we drove each other absolutely bonkers, but mostly we are BFFs. There was this one time when we went to the International Cinema on campus and bawled our eyes out. And then we got to my car and I thought I had lost the mail key (we watched that movie again on Saturday and still bawled our eyes out. Because we're cool like that). Then tehre was this other time* when I kept water in my trunk and you'd hear it rolling around when I'd stop or turn. "Ope. There goes (other roommate's) body rolling around in my trunk again. Bless her heart." And then there was this other time when we went on a double-date to see Zorro for one of her class assignments. Too bad she had seen Zorro a week before because she just Couldn't Wait. And too bad my "date" started to creep me out and I was practically in Nicolay's seat by the end of the movie.
I also got to see my Chilly over the weekend! We had fun "Remember When" times, too. We had lunch at P.F. Chang's and talked about the last time we ate at that P.F. Chang's and all the pictures she had taken of me that time. Man. Lots of memories for us at those P.F. Chang's places. We also Remembered When we took Dave with us to go watch people make out (this is the best and least-confusing phrasing I've come up with for this adventure) at Rock Canyon Park . You may remember me blogging about that one, but I'm not going to search through my archives to find the link. Sorry. And then we had fun times Remembering When about some of Chilly's best worst dates and how one of them used to be a Disneyland Dapper Dan. There was good laughing fun Friday afternoon, yet somehow I didn't make it to the quote board....
Other fun Remember When times from this past week include:
Lunch with J.J. and his beautiful Wife where we Remembered When they came to CA to visit me and we spent the day at Disneyland with his family.
Getting ice cream with Ali and we Remembered When we worked at the Bindery together and all the funny, awesome fun times we had there. Also we Remembered When we had weird co-workers that were very into themselves and made us laugh a little bit. Also we Remembered When Buddy and Drawly would crawl all over Ali after work when my sister picked us up.
And, finally, to conclude my Remember When Post, tonight I got to talk to my Kalier on the internets! I have not had much contact with my Kalier for 3, maybe 4 years. Oh, mans, did we have some fun times as roommates. Sometimes, we'd sneak out of the apartment and go get dinner together. One time, we broke in** to our own apartment after taking Yancy to campus for class (we had class to, but we didn't go because we couldn't find anywhere to park and we were both going to be late anyway) and hid out in my room for a couple of hours watching Princess Diaries.
Remember When is a fun game. If you haven't played it recently, you should! Meanwhile, I am looking forward to playing it with two of my BFF's from California in just 2 short weeks! THE TRIFECTA WILL SOON BE REUNITED!
*This was actually a reoccurring event.
**And by "broke in," I mean we quietly unlocked the door, relocked it, and snuck down the hall as quietly as we could before locking ourselves in my bedroom.
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