Monday, August 30, 2010
Once upon a time, I went to New York and had a great time. You may have noticed me tweeting about it as it was happening. Then I came back to Utah and found that the internet in my house had basically decided to Never Work, so I stopped updating things like my blog and emails and my etsy store. This was somewhat devastating to some people (or so I hear), but there wasn't much I was doing about it. And then school started and I got Super Busy, because I was still working part time, too, and had lots of homework going on.
But then, one day (today), I got bored between classes, and didn't have a printer available to me on campus, and so I decided to take a break on the homework thing, especially since I am now four weeks ahead in one class (not the class that needs a printer) and because I didn't feel like going ALL the way to the Computer Building or spending money on printing things when I knew that I could do it for free at the Mother and the Father's house.
Also, today is the first day wherein I have found an empty power outlet on campus, so I can blog without sapping my battery (I need that to last through my next class, otherwise notes wont' happen and then we'll all be sad.)
Anyway, a few weeks ago, the Dad, Sister, and I went to visit families in Upstate New York. The day before, however, I'd gone hiking in the Narrows at Zion and came away with a nasty sore throat and, later, a cough and runny/stuff nose (which, btw, are still pretty much a constant torture in my life. So pretty much every time we were in a car, I was asleep. That was awesome. There was a lot of sleeping going on that week.
I've actually thought about splitting this up into multiple posts, but I have this feeling in my heart where I know I'd get one post down and then... no more. And you'd all be left on the edges of your seats, continuously wondering what happened next?! So. Picture intensive post. Have fun.
One day we took a trip up to the Canadia. There were two slightly disappointing things about Canada. 1) They didn't stamp our passports. Jerks. 2) Oh, it's actually the AMERICAN side of the Niagara Falls that I wanted to take pictures of (but we couldn't remember until it was too late, so now I just have to go back again).
Awesome things about Canada: We went to the Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory (this was, as we should all know, one of my Day Zero Goals). I took many, many pictures at the garden/conservatory. Below you will find a few of them:
I love this one. Nom Nom Nom.
Then Dad and I found this Canadian Cat. He was really sweet and purred and drooled a lot. Was also well fed and very not wild.
Tree of Awesome
Canadian Geese! How do we know they're Canadian? Oh, BECAUSE WE WERE IN CANADA!
We found peacocks, too! They were kissing peacocks. Awww. How sweet.
Another day that was not this day, Dad and I went to Palmyra again. I took it as celebration of my 1 year anniversary since I first went through the temple. It was awesome, but a very, very small session. I have never before been in a session that small. Afterward, we took pictures around the temple, the Smith houses, and the Sacred Grove. (You don't travel that close to the Sacred Grove without visiting it, even though we didn't make it to Cumorah.)
Lookit! Another Butterfly! I actually touched this one (not wholly on accident) and it didn't fly away.
This is a path that's up above the temple. You can see where the wagon wheels go, or something? I wish I knew what it's purpose served, how long it has been there, it's history. But I don't.
Dragon Fly
Another chippy-monk. He was SO CUTE! But kept getting scared. So he was hard to take pictures of.
Day the next we went to the Corning Museum of Glass. I LOVED THIS PLACE!!! I need to go again so that I can pay money to be able to make my own glass thing. I cannot tell you HOW AWESOME it is.
The Rabbis and the Roman Catholic Priests Chess Set by Gianni Toso
There was also going to Watkins Glen and me taking pictures there. However, this post is already long enough. So we are ending here. And I still need to upload the pictures from my other camera, so... That is all for now.
Labels: Family, travel