Thursday, August 12, 2010
Yup. I'm still alive! Most of the posts you've been seeing on my blog have all been scheduled, because I am awesome that way. This one, for the record, is not scheduled. When it posts, it will be because I will have just finished writing it.
Currently the Dad and the Sister and I are in the Upstates of NY visiting The Grandparents. We are having awesome fun times and it's beautiful back here, as always. Yesterday we took a little jaunt on up to Canadia and visited the Butterfly Conservatory in Niagara Falls Ontario. One of the customs people going into Canadia (the first time) wasn't exactly friendly, but all of our other dealings with the Canadians and Customs Agents went over pretty well. And, yes, there are pictures of Canada, but I have no camera cord with me at the moment, so we will all have to wait probably long times to see those pictures. We also went TO the falls, but I decided I like the American side of that better and didn't take any pictures of said waterfalls. Mostly because, like I said, I like the American side better. Actually, I lie. I did take exactly three pictures, but they're all of the backside of water and less interesting. Maybs I will share one of them when I get it uploaded to my computer.
Speaking of computers... for those of you who do not follow me on Twitter or just plain did not notice, I have a new one! This one is a Toshiba (again. Third one; I am very loyal) named HuHu Cat. Don't ask, because it is doubtful you will understand. But I love it and it's beautiful, and there is no Windows Vista to deal with. Also, there is a touch screen, and now when I use computers that are not mine, I have this bad habit of touching the screen and wondering why nothing is happening before I realize, "Oh. This is not my computer. Sorry for the fingerprint." And, hey Mom, how is yours working out for you?
Other things... Brutus the Goggy (my cousin's) has a very profound love for me and has ever since he first saw me. It has been kind of... annoying when he won't Leave Me Alone, but last night he had some trauma, and I comforted him, and now he is not so excitable, but instead just snuggles with me, and that I can handle. I like snuggly dogs; I do not care much for dogs that won't let me do my thing when I am trying to, you know, do my thing. For the record, he is a very adorable dog and I do like him. But more now than before because now he lets me continue with whatever I'm doing.
And now we're off on another adventure. Until next time!

Labels: Family, travel