Friday, April 08, 2011
(26)Mosiah 4:8-10
"Neither are there any conditions whereby man can be saved except the conditions which I have told you. Believe in God; believe that he is and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend. And again, believe that ye must repent of your sins and forsake them, and humble yourselves before God; and ask in sincerity of heart that he would forgive you; and now, if you believe all these things see that ye do them." These verses describe in very simple terms how it is that we come about our salvation: believe in God and his matchless power; believe that you must repent, forsake your sins and be humble; act on your beliefs.
(27)Mosiah 9:11 "Therefore it came to pass, that after we had dwelt in the land for the space of twelve years that king Laman began to grow uneasy, lest by any means my people should wax strong in the land, and that they could not overpower them and bring them into bondage." This is the same thing with Satan. As we begin to prosper, he does what he can do bring us back into bondage, for fear of not being stronger than we are. Guess what, though? Satan is
not as strong as us. He can do very little of his own power for lack of a body. It is through our actions that he can, sometimes, gain power. When we are strong (in the gospel), he cannot overpower us or bring us into bondage.
(28) Mosiah 10:1 "And it came to pass that we again began to establish the kingdom and we again began to possess the land in peace. And I caused that there should be weapons of war made of every kind, that thereby I might have weapons for my people against the time the Lamanites should come up again to war against my people." Even though there was peace in the land, Zeniff knew that the Lamanites were still out there and that they were prone to fighting. Because of this, he prepared his people for the day that the Lamanites would come up against them to battle by forging weapons. In our day, even though we experience relative peace, we cannot afford to forget that the devil is still out there and so we should also prepare ourselves to defend against him and all of his angels.
(29) Mosiah 12:6 "they shall also be smitten with the east wind" I wonder why it is specifically the east wind and not the west. Do you think it has something to do with
Matthew 24:27?
(30) Mosiah 12:30 I feel like this verse contains a very good definition of what wisdom is. It says, "Ye have not applied your hearts to understanding; therefore, ye have not been wise." Wisdom is, then, more than knowledge, because with wisdom you apply your heart to what you have learned or come to understand.
(31) Mosiah 16:14 "Therefore, if ye teach the law of Moses, also teach that it is a shadow of those things which are to come." Shadow: weak and inferior, insubstantial or fleeting. So if the law of Moses was a shadow of things to come, then he is saying that the law of Moses is inferior, even insubstantial in comparison to that which Christ would bring. This really makes perfect sense, as Christ came to fulfill the law and brought to the world a greater law in the process.

Labels: Book of Mormon, Svithe