Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Yes, I'm still procrastinating my paper. Hey, it's not due until Friday. Don't judge me, yet! (You may judge me tomorrow around 8pm when I am irritated with myself for putting it off so long and I've only got one out of 3 pages written. For the record, I think these assignments -and this class- are stupid, and at this point it will be really difficult for me to fail the class. Not that I want to challenge my grade, but I just about have stopped caring about it, you know?)
Anyway. People keep asking me if I've heard yet. You know, about Taiwan, to know if I'm actually going or not. I promise,
promise that I will tell everyone in the world when I finally hear back, but as of now, the answer is still "no, I haven't." Yesterday, in a fit of anxiety and other emotions, I finally emailed ILP (again) to see if/when anyone knew anything. It's been about three weeks since I was told the school(s) were going over my paperwork and I would hear back soon. The kind (and when I say "kind," I actually mean kind; she is amazing) Taiwan Rep emailed me back this evening:
No worries! I totally understand how hard it is waiting when you want to be able to make decisions on things. The school is looking over all the paperwork right now and I should be able to let you know within the next few days. I will let you know as soon as I hear back.
I understand that there really isn't a lot that she can do to speed the process along. It's just that if I'm
not going to be, you know, going this summer, then I need to start working on Plan B
now. There's a job opening that I could be interesting in doing stuff like what I did at the Bindery when I was up at the Y, but applications have to be in by Friday. So my conundrum is thus: do I apply for it or not? I am fairly confident I could get the job (I am going to have the most flexible schedule on earth once classes let out, and I have Connections with the company), but at the same time I don't want to waste their time if they interview me, and then I end up getting this position overseas. I also don't want to be left high and dry if I
don't get this teaching job. I really am not sure what to do.
To bring religion into it, I KNOW without the teeny-weeny shadow of a doubt that I needed to apply for this program teaching in Taiwan. I cannot even question it without feeling a fool. So I hope that, you know, needing to apply for it means that I will get it, but I'm not positive about it. I get this "hey, don't worry so much" feeling when I do pray about it (well, that is when I get any feeling at all, sometimes there's nothing and I think it's because I've become annoying about it). There are some days, weeks even, when I am so confident and sure that it will work out the way I want it to. But, lately, the majority of the time has been me feeling really anxious about it and preparing myself for disappointment, because that's what I do when I anticipate something I really, really want happening.
Now that I've basically exhausted that subject, I suppose it's back to the homeworks. I've got one sentence down... three pages to go?

Labels: Taiwan, updates