Monday, October 23, 2006
I already wish this week to be over and it's only Monday. I think this is a bad sign. I mean, sure, tomorrow I just have to go to work and don't really have to worry about class, but Wednesday morning I have to take a test in a subject that I'm not exactly competent at. With. Whatever. Not to mention I have a paper due Wednesday. Sure, only one page, but it's about my hometown. What do I have to say about my hometown? Yeah, not much. Santa Horhe is hot as down under in the summer, cold as the same in the winter. Yeah, I've got memories of the place, but they're sparse and not very... detailed. Gah. I think if my brain were working better it would be easier. But it's not and, it's not. And that's life. Thursday, though, Thursday will be just as stressful as Wednesday because I have to teach two labs and can't really rely on my other TA's to be there the whole time to help me out. Then I'm supposed to be able to carry BOTH pumpkins to my car? I don't think so! I suppose I'll just have to pull my car 'round back first and go through the Head house. Blah.
The weekend can't come fast enough. I just want to go home and sleep and snuggle my kitty. And sleep. And eat my mother's food. And did I mention sleep?
I'm sick of feeling this way. I'm sick of not knowing what it's like to not worry or be depressed. I envy those who can at least remember, because I don't even have that memory. And it's hard living here, where I live. I have so many memories of people I cared about and now I never see or hear from any of them. It's my fault, I'm sure. It's always my fault. And that's why no man will ever marry me.
Sorry. I'm just so tired and ill and not wanting morning to come. I'll be better someday.
Behold, the MuseLabels: health, work