Sunday, October 22, 2006
I seem to have aquired a chest cold this weekend. I suppose it's about time, though. Usually I'm sick at least once a month, but I haven't been since... May? June? Dunno for sure, but it's been quite a while. It's bad enough that I took a sleep aid tonight (because I took a two hour nap earlier), tylenol, and Sudaphed. The combination of the sleep aid and the sudaphed is making me feel a little less alert, therefore typing is coming as a challenge to me as is thinking. This is a bad thing, because I have an essay to finish before tomorrow at noon (when I need to be on campus), a chapter in Mere Christianity to read and critique, and um... Oh, yeah. I have a test that needs to be studied for tomorrow. So I need to feel better. I don't mind getting sick sometimes, but it's just too much for me to handle right now.
I'm dealing with:
Family Finance stress (I don't get it!)
Family Finance test (see above paragraph)
Essay stress
Reading stress
Usually stress
Stress of knowing I'll be teaching two labs on Thursday
Stress of needing to pick up my dad's new suits on Friday before I head home...
Basically I just need to stop worrying about things that I don't have to deal with for a few days. But that's why I'm going to the CCC now. And I think I may sign up for the stress labs. It sounds beneficial and maybe fun.
And now I will die with body pains, a headache, and the need to cough.
Behold, the MuseLabels: health, School