Sunday, July 08, 2007
As much as I hate to admit it, the word "date" is frequenting conversations that I have these days. See, I am not like most girls I know (keyword being "most," there, so don't get all in a huff if you're not one of them and think I'm making a generalization about you, here). Most girls I know
love dating. It's like their favorite activity. They can hardly contain themselves when they hear the word; they get all giddy and giggly and, quite frankly, it disgusts me. I hate,
hate, HATE dating. The word itself causes me to wrinkle up my nose and sneer. Now, don't get me wrong, I'd love to be in a relationship with someone (granted, a rather certain someone), but I'd like to skip the whole "let-me-get-to-know-you-by-taking-you-out-on-frivolous-activities-that-may
-or-may-not-deplete the-man's-savings-account" bit. So here' is my philosophy on dating. I don't recommend it for everyone, by any means, but, you know. And because this is the online world where not everyone knows who I actually am, I've included a few items on here that have to do with that. Here you have it.
- Stalking me is probably not a very good idea.
- If I don't know you, I don't want to go on a date with you.
- If I don't know you and you want to take me out on a date, anyway, you had better find a way to introduce yourself to me without me thinking you are a crazy stalker person.
- I have a one-date rule. Unless you frighten me I will probably say "yes" to a first date.
- Please don't ask me on any follow-up dates unless you have specifically heard me say, "We should do this again sometime."
- A better option to a second date would be to "hang out," as they say, with a small group of mutual friends.
- I am socially reclusive. This means I don't like doing especially crazy things, if you get my drift. But because I have a hard time saying "no" I'll probably do it anyway. And be miserable. But you won't know that. And then I'll avoid talking to you for the rest of forever so as to avoid any more awkward situations.
- Dates should be short and sweet.
- Avoid the "dinner and a movie" standard. Dinner, fine, but nix the movie.
- As a general rule, I do not enjoy sports. Keep that in mind.
Always remember: wherever you go, there you are!
Labels: Dating, lists, relationships