Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I know. I haven't blogged in weeks, which makes me a bad person. Sorry. I hope you will forgive me, especially since this isn't even a real blog post tonight. Hopefully sometime very soon I will give you something worth reading about. But not tonight.
1. Do you always answer your phone?
I actually hardly ever answer my phone.
2. Its four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
Must be someone pretty amazing, because I have texting blocked on my phone.
3. If you could change your eye color what would it be?
Maybe darker, but I wouldn't change the color.
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
I don't even like Sonic?
5. Do you own a digital camera?
I own two! Plus the one in my phone.
6. Have you ever had a pet fish?
Yes, and then my cousin killed him (on accident). That was a sad, sad day.
7. Favorite Christmas song(s):
Carol of the Bells, but also Silent Night.
8. What's on your wish list for your birthday?
My birthday is a long time away. Also, I don't specifically have a birthday wish list. Instead I have an all-year wishlist (and if you want to see it/buy something off of it for me, you can email me and I'll send you the link).
9. Can you do push ups?
No, because, oddly, my elbows don't bend right. I got yelled at in middle school for doing them wrong when I'm physically incapable of doing them correctly.
10. Can you do a chin up?
No. I am too weak for that one.
11. Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
I am neutral towards the future right now. Which is good, because I don't even know what is going on next week.
12. Do you have any saved texts?
Remember how I don't have text? That would be weird and somewhat magical of me to have saved ones.
13. Ever been in a car wreck?
Not yet, thank goodness, but we did discover that someone backed into Lola. Poor Lola. She is having a rough month.
14. Do you have an accent?
I don't think so? But someone did ask me, while I was working at Disney, if I am originally from Canada, because apparently they thought I sounded like a Canook.
15. What is the last song to make you cry?
The only song that has ever made me cry was "Each Life That Touches Ours for Good," and that was when we sang it and my Grandma's funeral.
16.Plans tonight?
I am going to bed after this, so no.
17. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Haven't we all? (If you haven't yet, count yourself lucky)
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday
I only bought one thing yesterday: Drawly's new collar. Which, btw, is also the only thing I've purchased all week that is not food.
19. Have you ever been given roses?
20. Current worry?
Where is my watch?
21. Current hate right now?
22. Met someone who changed your life?
There have been several people that have changed my life.
23. How will you bring in the New Year?
Probably by sleeping through it. That's usually the way it goes.
24. What song represents you?
This question I cannot answer when I am tired.
25. Name three people who might complete this?
Umm... I have no idea. Probably nobody, and I'm OK with that.
26. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
No, I don't think so. The past is not something that I want to repeat.
27. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
28. Does anyone love you?
I would hope that a lot of people do, especially my fammy and friends.
29. Ever had someone sing to you?
A few times in my life.
30. When did you last cry?
This morning when I was watching yet another sad Korean drama.
31. Do you like to cuddle?
With my cat.
32. Have you held hands with anyone today?
No. That would be weird of me.
33. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
I'd say they're spread pretty evenly across the board.
34. Do you like pulpy orange juice?
Not particularly. Some pulp is OK, but I prefer no pulp. If I wanted to eat my OJ, I'd peel an orange.
Labels: meme/quiz