Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Once upon a time, it was Trifecta Monday. Only, it wasn't Trifecta fun times, yet, so I was at home doing my thing. (You know, that thing you do when you really don't have anything else to do? That thing.) And suddenly, BOOM! (well, more like CLICK) and the lights and the power went out in my bedroom. Not funtimes. We decided the building is not well-wired and I think they have to get an electrician in here to fix it. This
will happen soon. I plan on calling the office on a nearly-daily basis until it is fixed. So that is why I haven't blogged about Trifecta Monday Past already. Also, pictures will have to wait because Inconvenient to get them onto my computer right now.
So, the next upon a time, it was Funtimes. And we went to.... IKEA!!! Because it's cheaper. And my Mushu pushed me around in a shopping cart. We were taking bets on how long it would take for the IKEA employees to get upset with us, but they never did. We even made it a point to go past as many employees as we could. So that just goes to show that IKEA is OK with people riding in the shopping carts, even if the people are not small children. FYI.
And then we went to Olive Garden. There was delicious gelato for me and I impressed everyone with how much goodness I can devour. I still, however, have not found any gelato that is as good as it was in Texas. This is my quest.
So, Olive Garden closed. It kind of helped to continue with our tradition of practically being kicked out of restaurants every week (due to them closing). But we weren't done being AWESOME yet, so we drove around. My Christopher Robin has this laser pointer thingy in his car, and my Mushu started pointing it on people who were either out on the sidewalk or in the car next to us. Then yours truly got a hold of this laser, and Near Death happened. The guy (who was in the car next to us) started to FOLLOW us. Like, he was seriously following us. We all thought we were going to get shot and die, so my Christopher Robin, who was driving, got us on the freeway and we sped off. I'm not sure where we lost him at, but it was, in a word, Amazing. In fact, I'm pretty sure I do not do it justice. You maybe had to be there.
Labels: Housing, internship, Trifecta