Saturday, May 22, 2010
I hope your heart wasn't too terribly broken when I didn't blog on Wednesday (we all knew that would happen, didn't we? I did, anyway). My non blogging was due to the fact that I was either a) slaving away at work all night BY MYSELF and counting loads of boxes that I didn't actually need to count OR b) stuffing my face with ice cream cake. I will let you take your pick (but I'll give you a clue, it wasn't the one that sounds the most enjoyable).
Anyway, since last time I blogged, I am now officially a year older (and some might say "wiser," but I say "Only if you like comments from the Peanut Gallery (as my bishop so accuses me)"). I have had the snarks really bad this week, and I'm afraid some of it might have come out when I was talking to a customer last night (OK. Seriously. You don't come up to me and ask "Which fabric in the women's is like the men's cotton?" and expect me to answer in a way that doesn't make you look stupid.) I have also discovered that exercise
can be fun, but only if done while playing Wii Fit (plus! Drawly even gets to "play!"). And I have planned a brief road trip with the Mom, in which we will drive to California, spend approximately 2 days there, and drive back in time for me to be at work on Tuesday. Guys, I am so excited. There will be Traditional Trifecta Fun Times, and Disneyland, and and and Not Being in Utah (not that I have anything against Utah, I just need to get OUT a lot). This plan goes into action tomorrow morning, so that we may make it to Anaheim in time for me to go to church at my old Branch, which I love and miss dearly. (I hope linger longer is especially delicious, because I am seriously looking forward to that, too.)
And now, because I feel like there isn't much blogging going on on my part, I leave you with a short meme that I picked up somewhere.
1. Where were you five years ago?
Five years ago I was... Oh. At home, still recovering from having my wisdom teethies removed (which removal actually took place on the 5th of May, but I basically couldn't open my mouth for like 3 weeks). That was not the most fun experience of my life, and I'm glad that I will never again have to repeat it.
2. On my to-do list today?
Basically as follows:
Finish getting dressed
Make my bed
Eat some Foods
Clean the House (if I get the energy To Do. Won't be here on my typically cleaning day next week, but I may put it off until Wednesday after work. This seems more likely)
Probably do something about my hair, preferably more than just sticking it in a pony tail, but, again. Time? Energy? Desire to actually look like I put effort into myself today (there is not a whole lot of that going on right now)?
Scripture Study (Ammon just chopped off a bunch of arms yesterday. Still awesome. Meanwhile, right now the king is zonked out as if to be dead, but he's NOT! Yes, I can make the Book of Mormon sound extra exciting. Because it IS.)
Pack for my Road Trip
And, oh yeah, go to work
3. What are your five favorite snacks?
Favorite snacks. Hm. Caramel Tim Tams are right at the top of the list right now, but also Grasshopper cookies, and strawberry Mentos, and Konpeito, and twizzlers... OK, basically I just like Sugar and Chocolate. An occasional cheeto is OK, too.
4. If you were a billionaire you would...
Travel the world and finish my education. Maybe in reverse order, maybe not. Also, I would live in California.
Labels: meme/quiz, travel, Trifecta, weekend plans